Sion Sylvester

Sion Sylvester, a 24-year-old Caribbean British Photographer, filmmaker, and social activist residing in London, possesses a remarkable eye for detail and a profound passion for storytelling. Through his work, Sion masterfully captures the essence of moments, revealing the depth of emotions and narratives embedded within.

Sion's exceptional talent has earned him recognition in major UK galleries like Saatchi, where he was honoured with an award, and the Museum of London, where his work has been exhibited. His photography has also been featured in publications such as the Evening Standard, The Times, and Vanity Fair, and he has collaborated with ITV. Additionally, his artistry has reached international galleries like the Venice Biennale.

Sion's roots in the community, particularly in the same housing estate as the Grenfell Tower fire tragedy, have deeply influenced his artistic journey. Inspired by the resilience and spirit of his neighbours in the face of adversity, Sion utilises his photography as a powerful tool for uplifting the community. In 2023, he organised a permanent exhibition featuring residents affected by the Grenfell Tower fire, with their photos displayed externally on the estate forever. By shining a spotlight on the beauty, strength, and stories of the people and places around him, Sion fosters unity and hope, transforming tragedy into a catalyst for resilience and growth.